I am really enjoying blogging and I hope you are all enjoying reading my posts. I want to make this fun for both me (the blogger) and you (the reader).
Anyway on to the food!
For lunch I had a almond butter and strawberry jelly sandwich on a pita pocket. I had chips and salsa on the side.
I brought some snacks to munch on while at work.
I also brought fruit to work, my lunch was lacking in the fresh department so I had to make up for it.
This photo might give you a hint.
So lets talk for a minute about my job, the food there is not good for anybody to eat. It is delicious food but not healthy, at all, everything is either covered in oil (deep fried) or loaded with salt (hot dogs). We also have ice cream, I ♥ ice cream (and cheese but that's a different post). It is very hard for me to not eat the ice cream at work, we have like 20 flavors. I mean it is a constant struggle, I have tried bribing myself, i.e. okay I won't eat ice cream all week and if I am good I will let myself have some on Friday, but then I just go waaaay overboard with the ice cream and give myself a stomach ache.
Then one day I brought in some strawberries and blueberries. I used them to make this and while it isn't ice cream its enough to satisfy me on the ice cream issue. And its way healthier (at least I think it is).
After all my snacks were gone but while I was stil at work I started getting really hungry and couldn't wait until I could get home and make some dinner. I just hate how late I have to eat (9pm), but I do love how much healthier and satisfying the dinners I can make at home are verses the ones at work.
Dinner required a trip to the garden. It was dark and rainy but I still got a quick shot for you guys.
And to drink:
And even better this particular pumpkin ale is made by my favorite brewery, so it's my favorite kind of beer made by my favorite brewery. The Husband picked me up a 6 pack the other day when we had make your own pizza and this is the last one. Did I mention I ♥ my Husband!
Sarah~you make me laugh, you describe your food so well that it makes me want to eat it! (and I don't care for tofu!) Keep this up~you're good at it!